Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smokey Quartz

AKA: Carnigorm
Sources: Brazil, Madagascar, USA
Astrological Associations: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Chakra: Sacral and Base, Hands and Feet
Vibrates to the Nos. 2, 8

Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding and anchoring stone; as well as, a protective stone, providing a barrier of energy around the user.

Healing Properties:
  • Effective for problems in the abdomen, legs and hips
  • Relieves pain of headaches and pain in muscles and nerve tissues
  • Aids in assimilation of minerals in the body
Spiritually: Balances yin and yang energy and raises vibration during meditation.

  • Lifts depression
  • Relieves fear
  • Promotes personal pride and joy
  • Promotes positive thought
  • Increase clarity
  • Assists with communication skills

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