Sunday, April 5, 2009

Moss Agate

Common Source: India

Astrological Association: Virgo

Affects the Heart Chakra

Vibrates to the Number 1

In early times, it was used by Native Americans as a Power stone. As a stone of wealth, Moss Agate promotes abundance. It can be used as communication between the plant and mineral worlds.

Healing Properties:

  • Good for cleansing and detox

  • Aids in digestion

  • Assists the immune system

  • Good for the eyes

  • Helps dehydration, cold and flu symptoms

  • Fungal infections and skin disorders

  • Speeds up recovery

  • Anti-inflammatory

Emotional: Balances emotions. Helps with anxiety, stress and tension.

Mentally: Promotes self-expression and communications.

Application: Place or hold on the skin at point of problem.

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