Green Apophyllite
The following information on this stone has been taken from a great website that I very much recommend. This is just a partial description of the stone. For the full article go to:
"The Green Apophyllite works directly with the Heart chakra. It gently surrounds the Heart with White Light bringing with it a powerful sense of Peace throughout the Etheric and Physical bodies. This gentle delivery of White Light seems to simultaneously enter and activate the Subconscious mind, allowing it to comfortably open our awareness to Source (The God seed that lives within us) in a manner that we may not have been emotionally able to previously explore. The bottom line of this energetic action is that we slip effortlessly into a state known as homeostasis which is actually our Natural balanced state of BEING. This brings a sense of Pure Peace to all aspects of the Self. At this point all four bodies (Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual) are not only balanced, but completely operational ~ they are Whole and Complete within themselves!
This is where the grand and unique vibration of this stone delivers strength to us. This gentle sweet delivery seeps into our Subconscious activating a deep core of understanding of our own harmonic expression. It reveals an ability to tap into a conscious comprehension of the relationship we have between our Emotional and Spiritual Bodies! As we become more comfortable with this new vibration we may find ourselves stepping into not only a more intellectual understanding of our relationship with Source…but a more physical one as well! This comes as effortlessly as breathing! It’s as if we have stepped into a Harmonic Healing Bath that reminds us how to live in the natural perfection of ourselves!
It not only supports our own deep innate awareness of our unique DNA architecture, but shows us what a truly precious component of Source we are. When we enter into this state of combined consciousness, we can often glimpse or more often, actually FEEL that we are joyfully supported and enfolded; within the Divine Power of Life itself! -In other words, we can allow ourselves to be nurtured with and by all that is around us, and simply slip into all that serves us! With this stone we can come to the understanding that all that is around us AND within us is part and parcel of the Grand glue that Gifts us with whatever experience we desire!
When this state, consciously or unconsciously is attained…even for just a few moments, our system is so miraculously effective at shifting into our perfect DNA blueprint that the Medical community and pharmaceutical community has spent many years and countless dollars trying to develop a substance that will induce a sleep that will activate this state.
Of course, this state will not be attained, even with this stone, if we are not in agreement to experience this process. This stone brings the comfort to explore the opportunity for Healing on a deep and profound level, ONLY if we truly choose to move into that state. Remember, that we are all in the place we are, for a very specific purpose. We may in-fact be in a mental or physical state that “looks” like imbalance to the rest of the world, yet we may indeed be living in the perfect Gift to us in the moment." ~ Our Sacred Stone